5.5 Military Actions

5.5 Military Actions #

Declare War (1c) #

You may Declare War on any number of Realms during this Action. By doing so, you enter into a War with the target Realm(s).

Note: Check DoW restrictions (p. 22). You normally cannot Declare War on (a) your Allies, (b) Realms you have a Truce with, (c) PRs who have Passed, (d) NPR Allies of PRs who meet b or c, (e) HRE Members at Peace with the Emperor if the Emperor meets a, b, or c, (f) Distant Realms you have no G on, or (g) during an Interregnum.

Pay the Action cost, and then execute the following steps in sequence:

  1. Determine Realm(s) to be targeted by your DoW and place a War token on the Capital of each Realm.

  2. Lose 2s for each target Realm for which you have no CB (see p. 22) and 1s for each target Realm where you have a M (unless the L side is face-up).

  3. Calls to Arms (in listed order):

    a. You may send Offensive CtAs, using the Call to Arms Action (see p. 13).*

    b. If a target is an HRE Member, and you are not, the Emperor receives a Defensive CtA and may Defend the HRE (see p. 44).*

    c. Targeted NPRs automatically send a Defensive CtA to their Ally (if any).*

    d. Targeted PRs may send Defensive CtAs, using the Call to Arms Action (see p. 13).*

  4. Targeted PRs, and PRs accepting any Defensive CtAs from NPRs (unless that PR is already at War with the Aggressor), gain 1c.

  5. Remove all of your I in each of the target Realm(s)’s Areas.

  6. If any Ships on either side of this War are now located in Hostile Sea Zones, Naval Battles will take place (see p. 28).**

  7. If any Land Units on opposing sides of this War are now located in the same Area, or if PR Units now find themselves in Areas with Hostile NPR Provinces, Land Battles will take place (see p. 27).**

  8. If no Battles were triggered, you may immediately either take an Activate Units or Recruit Units Action at no c cost.

* PRs that are Called to Arms must respond to this as explained under ‘Receiving a CtA’ on p. 32.

** No Battle is triggered with an NPR if there were Units/Ships Hostile to that NPR present in the Area/Sea Zone prior to the current Turn.

Activate Units (1c) #

You may spend 1c to take a Land Activation or a Naval Activation. Both Land and Naval Movement may include Naval Transport as part of this Action. Detailed rules for Movement, Sieges, and Battles are described in the Warfare chapter (pp. 25–28).

Land Activation: Pick an Area with at least 1 of your Armies or Regular Units, and perform one of the two options below:

  • Land Movement (see p. 25): Move 1 of your Armies or a single Unit in this Area up to 2 spaces. It must end its movement if entering a Hostile or Neutral Area. To enter a Neutral Area, you must first obtain Military Access.

    When Units enter an Area containing Hostile Units or Enemy NPR Provinces, a Battle takes place immediately (p. 27).**

  • Siege (see p. 28): If the selected Area has Hostile Provinces, you may activate Units to Siege instead of moving.

    The Action cost pays for a single Sieging Unit. Pay 1c for each additional Unit that takes part in the Siege. Calculate Siege Strength and pick target Provinces.

Naval Activation: A Naval Activation lets you perform one of the two options below:

  • Naval Movement (see p. 25): Choose a single destination (Sea Zone or Friendly Port), and Move any number of Ships within range to this destination. Fleets and Ships may move up to 2 spaces.

    You may choose a Hostile destination Sea Zone (containing Enemy Ships or facing Enemy NPR Ports), in which case a Naval Battle (see p. 28) will take place there.** Ships en route may not pass through Hostile Sea Zones.

  • Undock: Move any number of your Ships from Ports and into adjacent non-Hostile Sea Zones.

Naval Transport (see p. 26): Land Units may during Land Movement cross any number of Sea Zones via an existing bridge of Friendly Ships as if the Areas on either side of the bridge were adjacent by land.

Following Naval Movement (and after any Naval Battle), a number of Land Units can be transported via such a bridge of Ships as long as they pass through the destination Sea Zone for the Ships that were moved.

Each Ship in a Naval Bridge enables up to 3 Land Units to cross the Sea Zone that the Ship is in.

Note: When moving on any of the Distant Continents, movement always ends in the first space (Area or Sea Zone) you enter.

Optional Rule 2: Available Mercenaries

When taking an Activate Units Action to activate an Army and perform a Land Movement that originates in any of your own Areas, you may first recruit up to 3 Mercenary Units (at normal D cost); they must move with the activated Army.

Recruit Units (1c + XD) #

Pay 1c and the requisite amount of D to Recruit as many Military Units from your Available m and build as many Ships as you like (and can afford). Units may be placed directly on the board (Regular Infantry Units only) or into your Armies. New Armies may be created to hold Units that you Recruit.

If you Recruit Units in Areas containing Enemy Units or Hostile NPR Provinces, Battles will commence there once all Recruitment is done.

Regular Units can be Recruited in 1 or more of your or your Vassals’ Areas, up to your MC (see p. 22) in each of these Areas.

A Province cannot be counted for MC more than once per Turn, and may thus only contribute to Recruitment in a single Area.

Mercenary Units are taken from the General Supply and do not count towards MC. They must be Recruited in your or your Vassals’ Areas, and you can Recruit a maximum of 3 Mercenary Units per Turn.

Allied Units in your Manpower Reserve (see p. 32) may be Recruited for free as Infantry, or optionally as Cavalry at 3D each. Allied Units may be Recruited in your own Areas within your MC limits. Alternatively you may instead Recruit a number of Allied Units in Areas belonging to your Active Allies, up to their MC.

Ships must be taken from your Supply and can be built at a maximum rate of 1 Ship in each Port you Own. Ships may be placed on a Port, or in a non-Hostile Sea Zone next to it (optionally on vacant Trade Protection slots).

Cost to Recruit/build

Light Ship4D
Heavy Ship10D

* To Recruit Artillery Units you must have researched the “Cannons” Idea.

Suppress Unrest (1c per Province) #

Pay 1c for each of your t/v from which you wish to remove Unrest (u). Flip these tokens shield side face-up.

You cannot Suppress Unrest in:

  • Provinces whose Area contains any Enemy Units or ?
  • Provinces that you Occupy
  • Provinces Occupied by an Enemy