5.3 Administrative Actions

5.3 Administrative Actions #

Increase Stability (5a +/– current s) #

You may spend 5a, modified by your current Stability value, to increase your Stability by 1 step (e.g., increasing Stability from -3 to -2 costs (5 – 3 =) 2a, while increasing Stability from +1 to +2 costs (5 + 1 =) 6a).

Convert Area (2a + 3D) #

You may convert the Religion of a given Area to your State Religion if you Own every Province in the Area(s) governed by its Religion slot, or if you Own at least 1 of these Provinces and all the remaining ones are Owned by Realms of the same State Religion as yours.

Place the appropriate Religion token on the Area’s Religion slot (or remove the current token to reveal the printed symbol), add u to 1 of your affected t, and roll Rebel Dice for all your u in the affected Area(s).

Colonize ( 4a/<) #

To take a Colonize Action, spend 4a or 4 of your < from the Colonist Pool (or any combination of those totaling 4), then replace 1 of your G on a vacant Territory with a Small t. This Colonial G must be connected to your Capital Area through a continuous chain of intermediate Areas and Sea Zones with your t and/or Ships.