5.2 Minor Actions

5.2 Minor Actions #

Minor Actions do not complete your Turn but may be performed in addition to your normal Turn Action. Minor Actions may be taken on the Turn that you Pass, but you may not take them again in this Round once you have Passed unless as a Reaction.

Reactions (£) #

Some Minor Actions may, under certain circumstances, be performed as Reactions. It is possible to play a Reaction on another player’s Turn, after you have Passed, or even outside of the Action Phase.

These Actions are marked with the £ icon, and the conditions under which these may be performed as Reactions are stated in each Action’s description.

Action Cards may also be labeled as Reactions.

Appoint Advisor/Leader – £ #

Take this Action to hire Advisors (square portrait) and Leaders (round portrait) on cards in your hand, and/or fire active ones.

Appoint Advisor: Pay the D cost shown in the card’s lower-right corner, then tuck that card under its matching Advisor slot on your Player Mat.

Appoint General/Admiral: Pay the c cost stated in the card’s lower-right corner to employ a Leader as a General or an Admiral (see p. 23). Tuck that card under one of your Army/Fleet Mats. You may also use this Action to freely reassign a General from one of your Armies to another. If someone attacks one of your Armies located within your Realm, you may, as a Reaction, Appoint or reassign a General to this Army.

Appoint New Ruler: If you currently have no Ruler (or if the Ruler is named “Interregnum”), you may take a Leader from your hand and appoint them as your new Ruler for free. Appointing a new Ruler may be performed as a Reaction if the current Ruler is discarded without any replacement.

Call to Arms (0–2I per A) – £ #

This Action may only be taken in conjunction with your own DoW or as a Reaction in response to a DoW on you or your NPR Ally.

When you are the Aggressor in a War, your CtAs are considered to be Offensive CtAs. For Offensive CtAs, you must discard 2I from the Areas of each NPR Ally you wish to call.

When War has been Declared upon you, you may send Defensive CtAs. For Defensive CtAs, you must discard 1I from the Areas of each NPR Ally you wish to call.

You may also send Defensive CtAs when accepting a CtA from an NPR Ally, but only to call your other NPR Allies (not PR Allies).

Calling your PR Allies to War has no cost, but they may refuse (see rules for ‘Receiving a CtA’, p. 32). If a PR is Allied both to the Aggressor and the defender, they may only be Called to Arms by the defender.

NPR Allies can only be Called to Arms if:

  • They are at Peace.
  • They are adjacent either to your Realm, or to a new Enemy.

For each NPR Ally Called to Arms:

  • Flip the A to the K (Active Ally) side
  • Add a number of NPR Units to your own Available m equal to ½ of the Tax Value of all Provinces Owned by that NPR Ally and their Vassals (max. 5 Units).
  • Gain 1c if the NPR Ally is adjacent to a new Enemy.

Take/Repay Loan – £ #

You may take Loans, as long as you do not already have 5 or more Interest tokens in your Treasury. Taking a Loan may be done as a Reaction if you must cover a cost and lack the funds to do so. When you take a Loan, take an Interest token and 5D from the General Supply and add them to your Treasury.

To repay a Loan, pay 6D from your Treasury and return the Interest token to the General Supply. You may immediately use Ducats gained for Passing for this purpose.

Replenish Manpower (1c per 3 Units) #

You may Refresh Exhausted Units in your Manpower Reserve at a cost of 1c for every 3 Units. Move these Units from the Exhausted m area to the Available m area; they are now ready to be recruited.

Cut Ties #

Return any number of your I or G from the board to your Supply, and/or end any number of Alliances. If you end any Alliances, suffer the penalties described under the ‘Ending an Alliance’ section, on page 33.