4.7 Final Scoring

4.7 Final Scoring #

Final Scoring is initiated at the end of the final Round. Unless otherwise specified in the scenario’s Victory Conditions, this happens after completing Phase 5, when any of these three conditions apply:

  • There are no more Event Cards remaining in the decks for the chosen scenario at the end of a Round.
  • A player has 100+0 on the Prestige Track, and is at least 200 ahead of all other players.
  • A player has all their t (Large and Small) and v on the board at the end of Phase 5.

Prestige is scored according to the list below, unless the Victory Conditions for the chosen scenario state otherwise.

  • Players may reveal and score any Missions in their hands whose requirements have been met (ignore any Mission Effects)
  • 0 equal to their current Tax Income
  • 1 per F in play
  • 1 per M in play
  • 2 per A in play
  • 0 equal to the number of Catholic PRs for being Papal Controller
  • 0 equal to Imperial Authority (E) for the Emperor of the HRE
  • 0 equal to 2x current s (note that negative s provides negative 0)
  • Subtract 1 per Tax Value of t Occupied by Rebels or Enemies
  • Subtract 1 per , in Treasury

The player with the most 0 wins. In the event of a tie, victory goes to the player with the most d. Break further ties in favor of the the player with the most D in their Treasury. If there is still a tie after this, the tied players share the victory.