4.5 Phase 5: Cleanup

4.5 Phase 5: Cleanup #

A. Update and refresh #

All players must:

  1. Disband all Allied Units from their Armies, placing them in Available m.
  2. Update Manpower Reserve to reflect new m totals, if they have changed (from t/v gained or lost, etc.) this Round. Count Deployed Regular Units as part of this total. Increase m by adding Units from Supply to Available m. Reduce m by choosing Units to return to Supply.
  3. Refresh Exhausted m and repair Heavy Ships in Ports. Move ½ of Exhausted m (min. 3, max. 6) to Available m.
  4. Refresh all Merchants by returning them to their upright position.
  5. Add < to the Colonist Pool equal to their number of Colonial G on the board (each PR may add max. 4<).
  6. Remove any z from their Changed Nat. Focus slot and return it to their Supply.

B. Board and Status Mat Cleanup #

  1. Remove A from Bots, and from DNPRs that have a Tax Income of 10+D.
  2. Remove all H from the map boards.
  3. Adjust Imperial I to match E. The Emperor may (re)distribute Imperial I in any HRE Areas with space.
  4. Remove all Units from Imperial m if the Emperor is at Peace.
  5. Remove any Tag chits from the Committed to Crusade slot, and, if the Emperor is at Peace, the Defending the HRE slot.
  6. Pass the First Player token to the player whose Round Status marker is in the Has Passed – 1st space (or the 2nd space if the first to pass is the current First Player)
  7. Reset all Round Status markers to the Event not Taken space.

C. Discard down to 5 Action Cards #

All players must discard down to a maximum hand size of 5 Action Cards. Players may choose which card(s) to discard.

Display Cards that are in play do not count towards the 5-card limit.

D. End of Age Routine #

If it is the end of an Age, perform the End of Age Routine described below.