4.4 Phase 4: Income & Upkeep

4.4 Phase 4: Income & Upkeep #

In this phase, players pay Costs, collect Tax Income and d, and score 0. All players perform this Phase simultaneously.

During this phase, players are allowed to take (but not repay) Loans, as described in the Take/Repay Loans Minor Action.

A. Cut Costs #

To reduce their expenses, players may (and must, if necessary to avoid Bankruptcy in Step B):

  • Fire any Advisors they like, by discarding those Advisors’ cards.
  • Disband any of their Military Units. Return any disbanded Regular Units to Available m, Ships to Supply, and Mercenary Units to the General Supply.
  • Recall Ships at sea. Ships may return to any Friendly Port within reach of their normal Movement, via non-Hostile Sea Zones, at no c cost.

B. Collect Income minus Costs #

+ Base Tax IncomeIncome indicated on Town Tracks (Small Town and Large Town Track combined)
+ Vassal Tax IncomeIncome indicated on Vassal Track
– Advisor UpkeepAs stated on the cards (1–4D per Advisor). Papal Controller: Pay 1D fewer per Advisor
– Military Maintenance (for Deployed Units)1D per Regular Unit
2D per Mercenary
½D for every Ship remaining at sea
– Interest on Loans1D per,
– Plague Effects½D is lost per 1D of Tax Income from Areas with a H
+/– sModifier+2D for positive s
-2D for negative s
+ Emperor’s EEqual to E value
+ Income for IdeasSee “Bureaucracy” Idea

C. Corruption #

Cost to keep Ducats in your Treasury (you may decide not to keep all of your Ducats):

  • 0–49 D: no cost
  • 50–59 D: pay 1a or gain 1,
  • 60–69 D: pay 2a; gain 1, per unpaid a
  • 70–79 D: pay 3a; gain 1, per unpaid a
  • Etc.

D. Collect Monarch Power #

Players then collect Monarch Power (d), calculated as follows:

  • For each type of Monarch Power, add the Ruler’s Skill of the associated type to that of the appropriate Advisor. (A PR in Interregnum is considered to have a base Skill of 1 in each Monarch Power field.)
  • Players with +3s receive 2d more, of any types chosen by the player.
  • Players with -3s receive 1d fewer, of any type chosen by the player.
  • The Papal Controller receives +1b.
  • The Emperor of the HRE may receive additional d depending on their E.
  • Players with certain Government Form Ideas may receive additional d.

E. Score Prestige #

  • A player who is uncontested Papal Controller scores 0 equal to the number of Catholic PRs minus 1 (max. 3).
  • If E is at 6, the Emperor scores 1.
  • Players with the “Absolute Monarchy” Idea and positive s score 1.
  • Score any active Crusade (see p. 46) and/or Power Struggle (see p. 43), and remove the Crusade/Excommunicated token and all § tokens.