4.3 Phase 3: Peace & Rebels

4.3 Phase 3: Peace & Rebels #

Once all players have Passed, the Peace & Rebels Phase begins. Follow the steps below, in sequence:

A. Remove Casus Belli and Truces #

Remove all CB and Truce tokens from the board. A player removing a CB loses 2 if not at War with the Realm it is removed from.

B. NPR Invasions #

If an NPR which is not an Active Ally is at War with any PR(s), and none of the Areas where that NPR currently Controls Provinces contain Units Hostile to the NPR, the PR(s) may now face an Invasion from that NPR. Resolve this according to the steps described on page 36.

C. Rebels Siege or Move #

Perform this step if there are any Rebel Units (?) on the board. Resolve Areas in order of most ?to fewest ? (break ties alphabetically).

  • For Areas with both?andu: The ? in each such Area now Siege any t/v with u that they can. Each ?has a Siege Strength of 1 (see p. 37). The ? will Siege Large Provinces first when possible (otherwise pick alphabetically).

    • Core Provinces: Place a Rebel Town (R) on top of the Owner’s t, and cover the rightmost vacant slot on their Town Track with a z.
    • Non-Core Provinces are Liberated (see p. 37): Owners must return t/v to their Player Mat and place a CB token on the new Province Owner.
  • For each Area with?and nou:

    1. Move all but 1? to an Area with u which is adjacent by Land, if any (prefer the Area with most u, then most PR t, then alphabetically). ?cannot move to an Area in which they are outnumbered by PR Land Units.
    2. Resolve Battle immediately if there are any PR Land Units in this Area, following the normal Rules for Rebels (see p. 37). Rebels do not fight other Rebel Units.
    3. If there were no eligible adjacent Areas to move to, remove 1?.

D. Peace Resolution #

This step only occurs if there are any ongoing Wars, and all Wars are then resolved according to the sequence described in section 10.1 (see p. 29), and summarized here:

  1. In Turn order, resolve all Wars where Automatic White Peace requirements have been met.
  2. In Turn order, resolve all Wars where a Total Victory has been achieved by a PR.
  3. Then, handle Partial Victories and Inconclusive Wars in Turn order. Each player must resolve all the Wars that they wish to (and can) resolve, before moving on to the next player.
  4. Finally, handle the Aftermath, returning any Land Units in Neutral Areas to their Owners’ Realms, flipping all K back to their A side, and discarding all Allied Units, for all PRs that are now at Peace.

E. Prestige Penalties #

  • Disputed Succession: Flip over all M that still display their L side. Each player loses 3 for each of their M getting flipped. A player may avoid this penalty if they are the only PR to have an A on the Realm with the L on it, and also have the most I (min. 2I) in that Realm if it is an NPR.
  • Occupied Towns: Players who now have t that are Occupied by Enemies or Rebels lose 0 equal to their Tax Value (max. 5).

F. Interregnum #

Players with an Interregnum (no Ruler) lose 1s, and must flip M on their Realm to reveal the L side.

G. Religious Dissent #

  • Players who have Religious Dissent (a Religion other than their State Religion) in any of their Areas must add u to 1 of their t (flip disc to reveal u) in each affected Area.
  • Players who have v in any Areas with a Religion other than their State Religion, must, in 1 affected Area, either remove 1I, or add u to 1 of their v there.

H. Gain/Remove Unrest #

  1. Players still at War must add u to 2 of their t.
  2. Players with -2s or lower must add u to 1 of their t.
  3. Players with +2s or higher may remove u from 1 of their Provinces (flip disc to reveal shield).

I. Roll Rebel Dice #

Each player must roll a Rebel Die for each of their t or v with u. Rebel Dice are rolled on a per-Area basis. The possible outcomes of these dice rolls are described on page 37.