4.2 Phase 2: Actions

4.2 Phase 2: Actions #

In this phase players take Turns in clockwise order, starting with the player who has the First Player token (normally the first player to Pass in the previous Round). The scenario setup will identify the starting First Player.

Taking a Turn #

On their Turn, the Active Player may choose to perform either a Basic Action or play an Action Card from their hand. Most Actions have Monarch Power costs that must be paid with d of the appropriate type. Basic Actions are listed below and on the Player Aids, and explained in detail in the chapter on Basic Actions (p. 12).

There are 5 Minor Actions that may be performed without using a Turn. These may be performed in addition to any other Action, or sometimes even during another player’s Turn. A player cannot perform a Minor Action alone on their Turn, they must also perform another Action.

Taking an Event #

Each player must take the Event Action exactly once during the Action Phase, but they may choose when to do this; a player cannot Pass if they have not taken this Action.

When a player takes their Event Action, they must move their Round Status marker to the Event Taken space on the Status Mat.

Unpicked Event #

After all players have taken an Event, the bottom row of symbols on any unpicked Event will be resolved, but the Event text itself will not take effect (see p. 40).

Passing #

The first player to Pass immediately collects 5D from the General Supply and places their Round Status marker on the Has Passed – 1st space on the Status Mat. They will also receive the First Player token at the end of the Round. If the current First Player is the first to Pass, the First Player token instead goes to the second player to Pass. Depending on the total number of players, the second, third, and fourth players to Pass may also be eligible to collect Ducats; see the table below.

Passing takes a Turn. A player may take Minor Actions in the same Turn in which they Pass.

A player that has Passed may not take any further Actions in that Round.

No one may Declare War on a player who has Passed, or their NPR Allies.

No. of players:34–56
1st to Pass:5D5D5D
2nd to Pass:2D3D3D
3rd to Pass:2D2D
4th to Pass:1D

Triggering End of Action Phase #

When there are no more players eligible to receive Ducats for Passing, each remaining player gets to take 1 more Action of their choice. For each player who has taken an Event at this point, this is their final Turn.

After this, if any players have still not taken an Event this Round, those players must take one final Turn to perform their Event Action.

Once a player has taken their final Turn, they are considered to have Passed.

Basic Actions
Generic Actions
Event (mandatory)
Player-to-Player Diplomacy
Research Idea (Cost stated on Idea card)
Change State Religion
Change National Focus
Explore (1b + 1c)
Minor Actions (do not take a Turn)
Take/Repay Loan – £
Appoint Advisor/Leader – £
Call to Arms (0–2I per A) – £
Replenish Manpower (1c per 3m)
Cut Ties
Administrative Actions
Increase Stability (5a +/– current s)
Convert Area (2a + 3D)
Colonize ( 4a/<)
Diplomatic Actions
Influence (1b or 3D per I)
Forge Alliance (1–3 b)
Fabricate Claims (2b perG) –
Trade (1b)
Military Actions
Declare War (1c)
Activate Units (1c)
Recruit (1c + XD)
Suppress Unrest (1c per Province)