20. 2-Player Games

20. 2-Player Games #

20.1 2 Players + Bot(s) #

The default way to set up a 2-player game is to pick a 3- or 4-player scenario and replace the missing players with bots.

See the Solo & Bot Rules booklet for how to play a game with bots.

20.2 No Bots Variant #

In a 2-player game without bots, during setup organize the Event Decks as if there were 4 players but use only the Realm-specific Events for the 2 Player Realms in play, and use B-Events instead of Realm-specific Events for the third and fourth PR.

During play, reveal Events as in a 4-player game. Each player must take 2 Event Actions each Action Phase before they may Pass.

The first player to Pass collects 3D, then the remaining player may take 2 Turns before they must Pass. If the remaining player still has not taken any of their Event Actions at this stage, they may nonetheless take 1 other Action of their choice in addition to their Event Actions. The second player to Pass collects no D upon Passing.

The First Player is allowed to retain the First Player token by Passing first.