19. The Papal Curia

19. The Papal Curia #

Only PRs whose State Religion is Catholic may have Cardinals (C) and compete for control of the Papal Curia.

Dominating the Curia to become the Papal Controller provides certain bonuses and gives access to the Papal Actions.

19.1 Cardinals (C) #

C are z that players place on the slots of the Papal Curia track.

If a PR has more C (with a minimum of 2C) than each of the other PRs, this makes them the Uncontested Papal Controller and gives them access to Papal Actions and all the bonuses below.

If 2 or more players are tied for having the most C, the tied player with the leftmost C is the Papal Controller, receiving all benefits except for the Prestige bonus.

The number of regular Cardinal slots available on the Papal Curia track at any given time is always 1 more than the number of Catholic PRs currently active in the game. The Roma slot (see below) comes in addition to these. Block off any slots not in play. The starting setup for the Papal Curia is described in each Scenario.

When you gain a C, it is placed in the first Cardinal slot to the right of the dotted line on the Papal Curia track. All C currently on the track are then slid 1 space to the right. If there is a C in the rightmost available slot when a new token is added, this C is returned to its owner.

Controlling the Roma Cardinal #

To gain, and retain, control of the leftmost slot, labeled “Roma”, you need to have -either-:

  1. An Alliance with the ›Papal States, -or-
  2. Control the Province of Roma

Capturing Roma #

While Controlling (Occupying or Owning) Roma, you automatically gain a C in the Roma slot on the Papal Curia track, and must place a z there. This supersedes any Alliance with the ›Papal States.

However, this is also the only C you are allowed to have, and you must immediately discard all your other C from the Curia.

You are not allowed to gain any further C (e.g., by playing Man of the Church cards) while you Occupy or Own Roma.

19.2 Papal Controller #

The player with the most C is the Papal Controller. In case of a tie for most C, having the left-most C breaks the tie.

The Papal Controller has access to the Papal Actions and receives +1b each Round, during Phase 4, Step D.

The Papal Controller also pays 1a fewer for all Actions that Increase Stability, and 1D less per Advisor during Phase 4, Step B.

Uncontested Papal Controller #

If you have Uncontested Control (at least 2C, and most C with no tie) of the Papal Curia during Phase 4, Step E, you receive 0 equal to the number of Catholic PRs minus 1, but max. 3.

19.3 Papal Actions #

In each Round of Ages I and II, the Papal Controller may perform 1 Papal Action. Once the Crusade/Excommunicated token has been placed on the board, no more Papal Actions may be performed for the remainder of that Round.

Excommunicate Ruler (2b) #

Place an Excommunicated token on the targeted Catholic Realm’s Capital.

A PR whose Ruler is Excommunicated loses 1 and 1C from the Papal Curia track, and they must discard 4I from Catholic Areas. The Roma C cannot be removed.

While the Excommunicated token is in play, all Catholic Realms have an Excommunication CB (see p. 22) on that Realm.

The Excommunicated token remains in play until Phase 4, Step E.

Call Crusade (2b) #

Select a target Area that has at least 2 Provinces Owned by Muslim Realms, and place the Crusade token there.

You may immediately take a free Declare War Action targeting any Muslim Realm(s) with Provinces in the target Area to gain 1 and 2 Mercenary Infantry Units for free (follow ‘Gain Military Unit’ rules on p. 40). If you do so, tag the Committed to Crusade slot on the Status Mat with a Tag chit.

The Crusade token provides a Holy War CB (see p. 22) for all Catholic Realms against Muslim Realms that Own a Province in that Area. If you use this CB on a valid target when taking a Declare War Action, tag the Committed to Crusade slot on the Status Mat. Multiple PRs may be Committed to Crusade at the same time.

Crusade Scoring #

This occurs in Phase 4, Step E, when the Crusade token is on the board. The token is removed once Crusade scoring is done.

  • Catholic Realms that are Committed to Crusade each score 2 if they have any Units in the Crusade’s target Area -and- there are no Provinces Owned by Muslim Realms left there. Otherwise, they each lose 2.
  • If no Realm is Committed to Crusade at this point, the Papal Controller loses 2