14. Rebels

14. Rebels #

Realms in the era when the game takes place often had as much trouble facing domestic threats as they had with external ones. Rebellions were commonplace, and they are a central feature of the game’s mechanics.

Events and Religious Dissent will cause Unrest (u) to appear in PRs, and Rebel Units (?) will pop up, seeking to Occupy or Liberate Provinces.

14.1 Unrest (u) #

When a Province gains Unrest, flip its t/v token, so that the u symbol is face-up. Unrest in your t and v forces you to roll Rebel Dice.

Provinces with u still provide Tax Income and Manpower as normal.

u that is covered by a R or t of a PR Occupant does not count for any purpose.

NPR Provinces can never have Unrest.

14.2 Rebel Dice #

During Phase 3, Step I, players must roll Rebel Dice for each of their t/v with u. Certain Events will also require Rebel Dice to be rolled.

When doing so, players with u must roll and resolve their Rebel Dice in clockwise order, starting with the Active Player, when caused by an Event, or the First Player, when rolling in the Peace & Rebels Phase.

Roll Rebel Dice Area by Area #

Each player rolls Rebel Dice Area by Area, for all u in a given Area (not Province by Province).

Rebel Dice Results #

  • r Rebellion
  • o Lose 2D
  • p Lose 1 d
  • No effect
  • q Exhaust 1m
  • n Remove 1 u

Rebellion #

If you have any Military Units in the Area you rolled for, a ? is placed in the Area for each r result, triggering a Battle after all Rebel Dice rolls have been resolved.

Otherwise, you must assign each Rebellion result to 1 of your t/v with u, of your choice, in that Area. Rebels will “Siege” (take control of) the Province you assign the Rebellion to. If you assign it to a Core Province, you must place a Rebel Town (R) on top of your t/v, and cover the corresponding slot on the Town or Vassal Track on your Player Mat with a z. If the chosen Province is one that you Occupy, or it is not one of your Core Provinces, the Province is Liberated as described in section 14.3.

Lose 1d #

Discard 1d from a Monarch Power pool of your choice, and return it to your Supply.

Exhaust 1m #

Move 1 Regular Unit from Available m, or from your Deployed Units, to Exhausted m.

Lose 2D #

Pay 2D to the General Supply.

Remove 1u #

Remove u from 1 t/v of your choice in the Area you just rolled for.

Inability to pay the Cost of a roll #

If you are unable to pay Monarch Power (d) or Exhaust Manpower as required by the Rebel Dice, you must instead pay 2D for each such result. If you do not have the required D, you must take a Loan. If there are already 5+ , in our Treasury, your Realm goes Bankrupt (see p. 21).

14.3 Rebel Units (?) #

The same black Units are used to represent NPRs, Allied Units, and ?. However, NPR Units are always removed after a attle has been resolved, and Allied Units solely exist in PR Armies. Black Units located in Areas on the map are always considered ?.

? are considered Hostile to all PRs.

Rebel Units in Battle #

Rebel Units will fight just like NPR Units (see ‘NPR behavior in Battle’, p. 36), except they will always fight to the last man.

Rebel Units Sieging #

In Phase 3, Step C (see p. 9), ? will lay Siege to any Provinces with u that they are able.

Each ? has a Siege Strength of 1. The Rebels prefer to Siege Large Provinces, if they have the required Siege Strength. 1 ? can Siege 1 Small Province. 2 ? can siege 1 Large Province or 2 Small Provinces, etc.

If an Area contains several PRs with Provinces in Unrest, the player with the lowest Tax Income in this Area chooses which Province the Rebels will Siege (within the limits of the criteria above). If there is a tie, pick Provinces alphabetically.

When ? Siege a Province that is a Core Province of their Owner, place a R on top of the PR’s t, and cover the corresponding slot on the Town Track on the Player Mat with a z from the player’s Supply.

If the Rebels Siege a Province which is either Occupied or not a Core Province of their Owner, the Province is Liberated.

Liberation #

A Province which is assigned a Rebellion result (on a Rebel Dice roll) or Sieged by ? is immediately Liberated if it is:

  • a. Occupied by an Enemy of its Lawful Owner, in which case the Occupier’s t is simply returned to their Player Mat. Remove the corresponding z from the Lawful Owner’s Player Mat. (If a is true, do not consider b or c.)
  • b. the Core Province of a Realm other than the PR that Owns or has Vassalized it, in which case the t/v on this Province is returned to its PR’s Player Mat. The Province is now Controlled by the Realm whose Core Province it is, regardless of whether that Realm still exists or now reemerges as an NPR. If this is the Core Province of a PR, they place a t there.
  • c. a Territory (no one’s Core Province), in which case the PR’s t is replaced with a æ of a color chosen by the Active Player.

A PR whose Province is Liberated by Rebels must place a CB token on the new Province Owner’s Capital (any Truce is removed).

Rebel Units moving #

If, at the start of Phase 3, Step C, ? find themselves in an Area with no u, they may move as described on page 9.

14.4 Sieging Rebel Towns (R) #

When Sieging a R, simply remove the R, along with any u, on this Province.

If you are at War with the Owner of this Province, you may place your own t on top of theirs (in u state) as normal.

Optional Rule 5: Religious Rebels #

If an Area is in Religious Dissent, turn/place all R pentagram side face-up.

If Religious Rebels Occupy your Capital and at least 2 more of your Provinces, you may take the Change State Religion Action to adopt the Religion of your Capital Area as your new State Religion. Then, remove all ? and R from your Areas whose faith matches your new State Religion.