13. Non-Player Realms (NPRs)

13. Non-Player Realms (NPRs) #

Non-Player Realms (NPRs) are the various independent states, nations, tribes, and principalities that are not part of any PR.

Each NPR has its own flag, and all Provinces bearing that flag belong to that NPR.

Liberated NPR Provinces #

NPR Provinces that have been Annexed by PRs may sometimes be Liberated via Rebel activity (see p. 37) or Peace Resolutions (see p. 30). Such Provinces will once again belong to the NPR indicated by their flag. If their natural Capital is still Owned by another Realm, alphabetically determine a Capital for this NPR, selecting among their Large Provinces first (if any).

13.1 NPR Relations #

Rules for interacting with NPRs are found in the ‘Diplomatic Relations’ chapter (p. 32).

13.2 NPRs with Vassals #

Some NPRs have Vassals. Vassal Provinces display a small version of their Overlord’s flag next to their own flag.

An NPR’s Vassals will always assist their Overlord in Wars, as if they were the NPR’s own Provinces. This also applies to NPR Invasions (see section 13.5). Vassal Provinces may also be ceded in Peace Resolutions.

Subjugation of NPRs with Vassals requires a Marriage with the NPR (see p. 33).

Released Vassals #

If a Vassal Realm’s Overlord currently does not exist, or if the Overlord was a PR whose v have somehow been removed from their Vassal’s Provinces, the former Vassal Realm is then considered an independent NPR.

13.3 DNPRs #

In some scenario setups, certain NPRs are designated as Dynamic NPRs (DNPRs). Events may also cause DNPRs to emerge.

All Provinces Owned by the same DNPR are marked with DNPR tokens (æ) of matching color. The æ with a capital C on it is used to mark the DNPR’s Capital.

When a DNPR’s Province is Annexed or Vassalized by a PR, keep the æ underneath the player’s t/v, in case it gets Liberated.

A æ can never be placed on a PR’s Core.

DNPRs expand when an Event with a matching symbol is resolved (see p. 41).

13.4 Warfare vs. NPRs #

NPRs defending Areas #

When a PR is at War with an NPR, the NPR will defend as follows:

Each time a player moves any of their Military Units into an Area containing Provinces Owned by an Enemy NPR, or when they have Units in such an Area when War is Declared, a Land Battle immediately takes place. The NPR will always defend their Areas with a number of Infantry Units equal to their MC for this Area (see p. 22). These Units all appear in the Area under attack.

If there are Units Hostile to your NPR Enemy already located in the Area that you are moving into (or when War is Declared), no Battle is triggered.

If an NPR is the Active Ally of a PR, they defend with only half their MC.

NPRs defending Sea Zones #

Each time you move your Ships into a Sea Zone adjacent to an Enemy NPR, they will engage you in a Naval Battle with a number of Light Ships equal to their NC for that Sea Zone (see p. 23). A Naval Battle will also be triggered if you have Ships in such a Sea Zone when you Declare War.

If there are Ships Hostile to your NPR Enemy already located in the Sea Zone that you are moving into (or when War is Declared), no Battle is triggered.

No more NPR Units in Supply #

NPRs always defend at their normal strength even if there aren’t enough available NPR Units/Ships to represent them. Just keep count of losses for the duration of the Battle.

Triggering multiple Battles #

If 2+ Battles are triggered against the same NPR on a single Turn, an NPR will use as much of its MC/NC as possible to defend its own Capital Area and any Sea Zone next to its Capital. After that, an NPR will prioritize defending against the largest Enemy force, and in case there is a tie, the NPR prioritizes the first Battle to be resolved.

Fighting Several NPRs in one Area #

If an Area that you attack contains Provinces belonging to 2 or more NPR Enemies, all defending Units from the combined MC of these NPRs will face you in a single Battle. NPR NC is similarly combined when triggering a Naval Battle.

NPRs with Extra Manpower #

In some scenarios, +1 m tokens are used to compensate or boost the strength of certain NPRs for various reasons. The tokens are placed on Provinces listed in the scenario.

Provinces with a +1 m token provide 1 additional MC for their NPR Owners in the Area in question, and adjacent Areas.

Each +1 m token also counts as 1 extra Tax Value for the Province for the purpose of Resolving Peace, calculating an NPR Ally’s contribution in a War, and for Subjugation. Sieges are not affected by these tokens.

Such a token is simply removed if the Province is Annexed or Vassalized by a PR.

NPRs on Distant Continents #

When calculating the MC or NC contribution of a Distant Province for NPR defense purposes, double its Tax Value (i.e. each Small Province contributes 2 Units, while each Large Province contributes 4 Units) except if it has an H on it.\

There are however some Ports that are considered Inactive as long as that Province does not hold a æ, t, or v. Inactive Ports have a light gray symbol, and do not provide any NC for their NPR Owners.

NPR behavior in Battle #

NPR Units always act as Infantry in Land Battles and as Light Ships in Naval Battles.

If there are only NPR defenders, and they have a total of 3+ Units, draw a card from the top of the Military Deck at the start of the Battle. If the card has an Advisor on it, that NPR force has no Leader; if the card has a Leader on it, add his Battle Dice as you would with any other General/Admiral – discard the card at the end of the Battle.

Battle Dice are then rolled as normal for both sides. The player to the right of the Active Player should roll the NPR’s dice.

Beyond the first Round of Battle #

NPRs always Retreat if they have fewer Units than their Enemy after any Round of Battle, unless the Area they are currently defending is their Capital Area, or the last Area where they still control any Provinces. If the NPR Retreats, simply remove all of their Units from the board.

If the Battle takes place in their Capital Area or the last Area in which the NPR still Controls Provinces, or if they fight alongside Rebel Units (?), they will always fight to the last Unit, and never give up.

NPR Ships will fight to the last Ship if the Sea Zone is next to their Capital Area.

Optional Rule 4: Lend a Helping Hand #

All players may back NPRs in Battles by playing Battle Actions (in clockwise order, starting with the Active Player).

Aftermath of Battles #

Once a player has won a Battle against one or more NPRs, they may Siege any Hostile Provinces inside that Area as normal on their next Turn. If the PR’s forces leave the Area without Sieging or leaving any Units behind, the NPR will defend it in the same manner the next time a Hostile force enters the Area.

Whenever an NPR wins a defensive Battle, the NPR Units are removed from the board afterwards. They will defend in the same way again if a PR sends a new force to attack them.

13.5 NPR Invasions #

Advanced Rules

If an NPR is at War with any Player Realm(s) during Phase 3, Step B, the player(s) may face an Invasion from that NPR. Resolve NPRs in alphabetical order.

If all 3 of the criteria below are satisfied, an Invasion will take place:

  • The NPR is not an Active Ally of any PR.
  • None of the Areas where the NPR currently Controls Provinces contain Units Hostile to that NPR.
  • There is at least 1 eligible Invasion target Area adjacent to the NPR:
    • The target Area must contain a t/v belonging to a PR Hostile to the NPR (any of NPR’s Provinces that are Occupied by an Enemy qualify).
    • Areas are ineligible if they are adjacent by Sea only (not by Land), and all connecting Sea Zones contain at least 1 Ship that is Hostile to the NPR.
    • Areas are ineligible if they contain Units that belong to a PR which is not at War with the NPR.

Each Invasion follows the sequence below:

  1. If there are 2+ eligible adjacent Areas, pick (in order of priority):
  2. The NPR’s own Capital Area
  3. The Area with the most of the NPR’s Core Provinces
  4. An Area adjacent by Land to the NPR
  5. A randomly selected adjacent Area
  6. In the selected Area, add u to 2 t/v belonging to players at War with the NPR (pick Provinces alphabetically).
  7. Place NPR Units there equal to ½ the Tax Value of the Provinces currently Controlled by the NPR. Count their Vassals as part of the NPR’s Realm for this purpose.
  8. Resolve Battle immediately if there are any Military Units in the invaded Area, following the normal rules for NPRs.
  9. From this point onwards, these NPR Units behave as ?.