10. Peace Resolution

10. Peace Resolution #

Peace Resolution is exclusively handled in Step D of the Peace & Rebels Phase.

Players resolve Peace for one Enemy at a time. However, a PR with Active Allies normally negotiates on behalf of their Active Allies as well. During Peace Resolution, Vassals are treated as part of their Overlord’s Realm for all purposes.

10.1 Peace Resolution Sequence #

During Phase 3, Step D: Peace Resolution, follow the sequence below in order to resolve any ongoing Wars. You may also use the Peace Resolution flow chart to guide you through the process.

1. Automatic White Peace #

If any ongoing Wars meet the Automatic White Peace requirements, these Wars all end immediately. Add/remove Truce/War tokens where relevant (see section 10.4).

When checking for Automatic White Peace, count an Enemy’s Active Allies as part of that Enemy’s Realm. Such a Peace cannot be concluded separately with an Active Ally. If you conclude a White Peace with a PR with Active Allies, you are now at Peace with all of their Active Allies too.

2. Total Victory #

If any player meets the Total Victory requirements for any of their Wars, resolve these Wars in Turn order (one player resolves all their Total Victories before moving on to the next player, in clockwise order).

When determining if a player has met Total Victory requirements versus any Realm, or when resolving the Peace Terms of Total Victories, treat a PR Enemy’s Active Allies separately from that Enemy.

All Wars where Total Victory has been achieved must be resolved before moving on. The Victor -must- enforce Peace Terms of their choosing unless a Negotiated Peace is agreed with the Loser. When Peace has been resolved with another PR’s Active Ally, remove that PR’s A from that NPR.

Add/remove Truce/War tokens where relevant (see section 10.4).

3. Partial Victory or Inconclusive #

Beginning with the first player and going clockwise, each player then resolves (or decides not to resolve) all of their remaining Wars. A player must resolve all of the Wars that they wish to end, in any order they like, before the next player may do the same.

During this step of Peace Resolution PRs resolve Peace on behalf of their Active Allies (see section 10.3). Otherwise, Peace is resolved with one Enemy Realm at a time.

Where a player has met the Partial Victory requirements, they may choose to enforce or negotiate (for human player Enemies) Peace Terms.

In a War where no side is Victorious, an NPR Enemy will (and a Bot might) accept a White Peace, while Peace Terms must be negotiated for a human player Enemy.

Add/remove Truce/War tokens where relevant (see section 10.4).

4. Aftermath #

After Peace Resolution, any PR which is now at Peace must immediately relocate any Units that they have in a Neutral Area to the nearest Friendly Area (counting each Area or Sea Zone as a distance of 1 space). If several Friendly Areas are equally close, the player may choose in which of these Areas to put their Units. This does not cost any c.

PRs that now are at Peace must also flip all their A that display the Active Ally side (K) back to their normal side (A), and return all Allied Units in their Armies and Manpower Reserve to the General Supply.

10.2 Victory or Defeat #

If you meet the requirements for Partial or Total Victory (as per the table below), or if your Enemy Surrenders, you are considered to be the Victor of that War.

Note that an NPR is always considered to have 0 Land Units Deployed.

A player may end up as the Victor of a War where the only terms they are capable of enforcing are really unfavorable (notably if the Enemy has achieved bigger territorial gains than they have). In such cases the Victor may prefer (if the Loser does not Surrender) to continue the War or try to agree to a Negotiated Peace with their Enemy.

Neither Side is Victorious #

Some Wars will end with an Automatic White Peace or Inconclusive Result, and thus have no Victor or Loser.

With an Automatic White Peace, the Peace Terms are fixed. However, with an Inconclusive Result, neither side can enforce their preferred Peace Terms unless a player wishes to Surrender.

An NPR will always accept a White Peace if one is offered. A Bot will, in the case of an Inconclusive Result, accept a White Peace offer if their Enemy has captured (Occupies) Provinces of a greater Tax Value from the Bot, than the Bot has captured (Occupies) from their Enemy.

Surrendering #

A player may voluntarily Surrender, even if the Enemy has not met the requirements for Total or Partial Victory, and thereby name their Enemy as the Victor of that War.

By Surrendering, you immediately lose 2, and your Enemy gains 2.

If you Surrender, your Enemy is allowed to enforce Peace as if they had achieved a Partial Victory. They must, however, end the War this Round, either by enforcing one of the applicable Peace Terms or by agreeing to a Negotiated Peace with you.

Enforcing Peace Terms #

Being Victorious means that you may enforce the Peace Terms that match the Victory Conditions that have been met.

10.3 Peace and Allies #

If you win a War against an Alliance of two PRs, Victory Conditions and Peace Terms are resolved individually for each PR Enemy.

PRs must negotiate Peace on behalf of their Active NPR Allies – that is, those that have had their A flipped to the K side.

Peace Rules for Active Allies (K) #

Automatic White Peace #

When determining if Automatic White Peace requirements have been met, count Active Allies as part of their PR Ally’s Realm. If requirements are met, you enter a White Peace with both the PR and their Active Allies.

Total Victory #

When determining and resolving Total Victories against Active Allies, treat them as any other NPR. Once Peace has been resolved for such an Active Ally, the PR Allied to that NPR must discard Allied Units equal to that NPR’s pre-War Tax Income divided by 2. The A is then removed from the board.

Partial Victory #

Unless you have achieved a Partial Victory against your PR Enemy, you have not achieved this against their Active Allies either. If you have achieved a Partial Victory against a PR Enemy, on the other hand, that also applies to all Active Allies of that PR.

In this case Peace is enforced or negotiated simultaneously for the PR as well as their Active Allies. Only a single Peace Term may be selected for all the Realms involved in a Peace Resolution (PRs as well as their Active Allies), which is resolved as detailed below.

Peace Terms #

White Peace works exactly the same as normal, while Full Annexation is only possible with Total Victories being resolved individually for Active Allies.

Humiliation only grants 0 for Provinces returned to PR Enemies directly. Any Provinces Lawfully Owned by their Active Allies must be returned without any 0 reward.

With the Keep Current Board State Peace Term, treat Provinces Lawfully Owned by your Enemies’ Active Allies mostly like any other Provinces you Occupy. You may keep them as normal (except for Capitals), or return them to get Ducats in return. It is -not-, however, possible to Liberate the Provinces of an Enemy’s Active Allies in order to gain 0.

For the Vassalization and Force Conversion Terms, only apply the Peace Term effects to the Realms involved, for which the Victor can also satisfy all the additional requirements. For the remaining Realms, treat this as a White Peace between the parties (with no 0 loss), with Occupied Provinces being returned to their Lawful Owners.

The Secure Desired Succession Peace Term can be enforced separately on an NPR regardless of their Active Ally status.

10.4 Truces #

Once a Peace has been concluded, whether enforced or negotiated, the parties involved enter a Truce that lasts until Phase 3 of the next Round.

Flip any War tokens to the Truce side for each Realm with whom you now have a Truce. Truces are -not- placed on the Active Allies of former Enemies, and -never- on Vassal Realms. Remove any War/Truce tokens from Realms that have been Vassalized.

You are not allowed to Declare War upon a Realm with whom you have a Truce, but may still join a War against them by accepting a Defensive CtA (see p. 32).

Victory/Peace Conditions #

ConditionRequirements that must be metPeace Terms AllowedSeparate Peace w/ Active Allies?
Automatic White PeaceNeither side in the War Occupy any of their Enemy’s Provinces (including Provinces of any of their Enemy’s Vassals or Active Allies).White PeaceNo
Total VictoryA PR Occupies all of a single Enemy’s de jure Provinces, and this Enemy has no Deployed Land Units remaining. When resolving Total Victories, any Active Allies of a PR Enemy are treated separately from that PR.All terms are allowed (as long as any term-specific additional requirements are met)Yes
Partial Victory- PR Enemy: PR’s Deployed Land Units outnumber the Deployed Land Units of their Enemy 2:1.* NPR or Bot Enemy: PR’s Deployed Land Units outnumber the total number of ? in their Areas, plus any Deployed Enemy Land Units.* * Units located on Distant Continents where the other Realm has no t do not count towards these calculations.Apart from Full Annexation, all Peace Terms are allowed (as long as any term-specific additional requirements are met)No (except when enforcing the Secure Desired Succession Peace Term)
Inconclusive ResultNone of the above requirements are met.White Peace, Negotiated Peace (human Enemy)No

Peace Terms #

When resolving Peace, only 1 Peace Term may be chosen per War/Enemy. Any I gained can be placed in Areas that are full – displace other I as necessary.

The requirements for each Peace Term are listed as bullet points in red type.

White Peace #

  • Total Victory to Enforce

This is a return to the pre-War conditions with no compensation being paid by either party. Any PRs involved lose 1 each.

All Occupied Provinces must be returned to their Lawful Owners.

Keep Current Board State #

  • Partial or Total Victory to Enforce

Occupied Capitals must be returned to their Lawful Owners, who must pay a ransom of 10D to the Occupier.

By default, apart from the Capitals, Occupiers (on both sides) keep all Provinces that they currently Occupy.

However, the Victor (and only the Victor), in place of keeping Provinces that they Occupy, may instead:

  • Exchange any of these Provinces for any Provinces of equal Tax Value that the Loser currently Occupies.
  • Return any of these Provinces and demand that the Loser pays them 3D per Tax Value of Provinces returned.
  • Liberate (see p. 37) any of these Provinces that are not Core Provinces of the Loser, and score 1 per Tax Value Liberated. The Victor may also gain an Alliance with 1 Liberated NPR and place 2I in that NPR’s Areas.

The Victor may mix and match the options above. The total Ducats that can be demanded from the return of a Realm’s Capital and other Provinces is capped at 2 x Tax Income of the Loser (as calculated after the return of these Provinces).

PRs may, by discarding a G from any Area(s) where they have gained Provinces, also remove 2 u from the same Area(s).

PRs that have lost any of their Provinces or Vassal Provinces as a consequence of this War may place a G in each Area where they have lost at least 1 Province (if they want).

Humiliation #

  • Partial or Total Victory to Enforce
  • Victor must Occupy Loser’s Capital -or- Loser must have Surrendered

All Occupied Provinces must be returned to their Lawful Owners.

The Victor scores 0 equal to 2 x Tax Value of the Provinces returned to the Loser (max. 100). The Loser loses the same amount of 0. No 0 is scored from Provinces returned to the Loser’s Active Allies.

Vassalization #

  • Partial or Total Victory to Enforce
  • Loser must be an NPR
  • Victor must Occupy Loser’s Capital -and- at least 1 of Loser’s de jure Provinces in another Area (if any)

The Loser becomes a Vassal (see p. 33) of the Victor. The Victor places their v on all of the Loser’s de jure Provinces (except any Provinces Occupied by other PRs), and returns all of their t from these Provinces to the Town Track on their Player Mat.

The Victor may place 2I in the Loser’s Realm. Add u to all v gained in Areas where the Victor Occupied no Provinces. Remove all A/M from the Loser’s Realm.

The Victor may, by discarding a G from any Area(s) where they have just gained v, also remove 2 u from the same Area(s).

Force Conversion #

  • Partial or Total Victory to Enforce
  • Victor must Control all Provinces in Loser’s Capital Area
  • Victor’s Religion differs from Loser’s

All Occupied Provinces must be returned to their Lawful Owners.

The Loser must change their State Religion and the Religion of their Capital Area to match the State Religion of the Victor.

The Victor gains 3, and may add 2I in the Loser’s Capital Area. The Loser loses 5 and must remove 4I from the board.

Secure Desired Succession #

  • Partial or Total Victory to Enforce
  • Loser’s Capital must have a L
  • Victor must Occupy Loser’s Capital
  • Ignore Loser’s Active Ally status

All Occupied Provinces must be returned to their Lawful Owners. If the Loser is an NPR, all their other Wars end on White Peace terms.

Remove all M/L and A/K from the Loser’s Capital other than the Victor’s. The Victor scores 3 per M/L removed, and the token owners lose 3 each.

If the Victor has a L on the Loser’s Capital, they must flip it over and score 0 equal to the Loser’s Tax Income (max. 5).

The Victor may, if the Loser is an NPR, add 4I to the Loser’s Capital Area or, if the Loser is a PR, replace the Loser’s Ruler with a Leader from any discard pile. The Victor may then gain an Alliance with the Loser.

Full Annexation #

  • Total Victory to Enforce
  • Loser must be an NPR or Bot

The Loser’s de jure Provinces are fully incorporated into the Victor’s Realm. Remove all A, M, War tokens, and Occupied tokens from the Annexed Provinces.

If the Loser was an Active Ally of a PR, that PR loses 2.

The Victor may, by discarding a G from any Area(s) where they Annexed Provinces, also remove 2 u from the same Area(s).

Negotiated Peace #

  • Not Enforceable
  • Both parties must be human players

Regardless of whether or not conditions for Victory have been met, players may negotiate Peace Terms between themselves. The players may also agree on who will be named as the Victor or Loser, if anyone.

Players may agree on any of the other Peace Terms listed here, except Vassalization and Full Annexation, as long as their corresponding additional requirements are met.

Keep in mind that Peace Terms are generally unilateral, e.g., both parties cannot Humiliate each other, Force Conversion upon each other, or Secure Desired Succession on each other.

If agreeing to Keep Current Board State terms, either of the parties may exchange Occupied Provinces for Ducats, and both sides may agree to Liberate Provinces if they give up all 0 gains from Liberation.

As normal, only 1 Peace Term may be selected per War.

Optionally, in addition to picking one of the other listed Peace terms, the players may agree on -one- of them taking an immediate Cut Ties and/or Player-to-Player Diplomacy Action (paying for the Action as normal), disregarding the restrictions for being at War, as part of the Peace Resolution. The terms for this Action and the Peace Terms are settled as one agreement, and not separately.

Peace Term Eligibility #

Victory/Peace ConditionsTotal Victory
Partial Victory (or Enemy Surrenders)
Inconclusive Result
Automatic White Peace
Peace Terms ➔White PeaceNegotiated PeaceKeep Curr. Board StateHumiliationVassalizationForce ConversionSecure Des. SuccessionFull Annexation
vs. Human Player Enemy
vs. Bot Enemy
vs. NPR Enemy
Must Occupy Loser’s Capital✔*
Additional requirements

* Occupying Loser’s Capital is not required if they have Surrendered.

Note: For Peace Resolutions involving the Emperor of the HRE, when the Emperor is Defending the HRE, see page 44.

Optional Rule 3: No Surrender! #

Surrendering is not allowed. All Wars continue until terms can be enforced or the belligerents can agree on a Negotiated Peace.